Narendra Jana
UK Cell: 07541106744
The full medical record from Addenbrookes from April 11th and April 14th gives additional evidence of assault with intent and direction in perpetuating assault in this clinical setting:
Addenbrookes Full Medical Records for April 11th to April 14th:
These are the records from Medical Records.
There were no documents presented by that patient form any other medical institution in the UK in Addenbrookes. But documents from outside the UK were shown. So any additional documents added to the medical data in Addenbrookes from another UK hospital is without my consent.
Dr. Trip's medical documents are a breach in patient privacy.
Discharge is directed through a clinician that isn’t in Addenbrookes Hospital. |
Addenbrookes 11th of April Appointment:
Its not 2 weeks its approximately 1.5 months of rapidly progressing relapse, the initial features presenting in January of 2020.
The diagnosis was made outside of the US. The US is the perpetuator of repeated fraud and clinical malice which is the reason for asylum in the UK
The “give away” weakness (falsely stated and due to spinal lesions) rapidly escalates within two days to right side hemiplegia. It could have easily been prevented in the April 11th ER appointment by simply giving methylprednisolone in IV. Corticosteroids were taken at home after as treatment without medical supervision after the second ER denial on April 13th and 14th with positive improvement in gait and overall functioning. The risk is personal endangerment without blood tests or medical supervision in a medical setting. |
It wasn’t due to funding issues and I have insurance in the US. Its due to criminal malice in medical settings in the US with the intent of physical harm. Dr. Moneim states “diagnosed with MS in 2015 in US,” which is misstated. Diagnosis it made outside the US.
The flairs were delayed with Rituximab infusions. This explains why there are greater flairs since January 2020. The last IV infusion of Rituximab was in July 2019 (6 months before).
“Long term residence” was never mentioned to Dr. Moneim. This was later seen with Dr. Ali Fayad as well, he states we cant give you treatment due to “your status in the UK” referring to asylum in the UK though asylum was never mentioned to Dr. Fayad.
The slight gait unsteadiness rapidly escalates within the next two days. Dr. Robert on April 14th falsifies his neurological examination by reporting something lesser then this in a far worse clinical state (hemiplegic effect in the right side of my physiology) with recording. Thus indicating intent in falsification to harm in a clinical setting.
This statement in the written report is counter to what Dr. Moneim makes in person in the ER. He mentions the cervical lesions that are identical to what the MRI report mentions. His statement in impression “cervical spinal cord inflammatory lesion form known progressive MS” is accurate. That is what the MRI report states; Dr. Moneim points it out in the MRI series in the ER. |
It's a predictable progression of MS due to cervical and spinal cord lesions.
Dr. Coles is unaware of the clinical fraud that took place in the past or that I am in asylum in the UK. I didnt tell him of my immigration status (asylum) or the clinical fraud that had taken place but he likely knew due to the situation that took place on the April 13th which demonstrated a breach in patient privacy.
Im required to keep additional medications in the event of relapse with a lack of medical treatment.
Inability to use my right limbs rapidly progresses over the next two days resulting in the next ER. Though the clinical presentation is far worse in two days the ER and ward doctors write false reports that are counter to clear clinical presentation. |
Addenbrookes April 13th ER data:
This is the discharge summary at the end of the wardroom appointment on April 14th.
Dr. Pippa Leighton was never an attending physician when I was in ER/wardroom. The discharge was written by someone I never saw. |
Dr. Ali Fayad cites “my status in the UK” as the reason for not admitting me to the ward. He was referring to asylum status.
There is nystagmus in repeated medical settings. The nystagmus is predictable given its presentation in MRIs as being caused by thinning of the retrobulbar segment in the MRI of the Orbits and occurs in optic nerve pathologies. I have clear optic neuropathy thus Nystagmus is predictable and happens during more severe MS relapses.
The statement of optic atrophy is counter to his statement in his recording, medical tests for optic atrophy, VEP (visual evoked potential) tests, and MRI of Orbits that show thinning of optic nerve are congruent to the statement “reduced visual acuity”) Dr. Ali Fayad doesn’t look at clinical reports in the medical setting (he refuses); but he knows that I have it with me. In this setting any clinical reports that indicate MS or show the diagnostic data for MS are ignored on presentation to fit the ER doctors attempt at medical negligence is a severe emergency.
Continued: |
Continued: The statement of gait is contrary to what is recorded in repeated videos (the left side is unaffected beyond typical presentation and is the better half for weightbearing and balancing while the right side is dragging). Its contrary to what Dr. Ali Fayad states in audio as well. Dr. Ali Fayad does a full neurological examination (recorded) in ER but he does not report it (in fear of giving away the intent in ER it appears). There were recordings of grip strength and gait taken in relapse. It's a non trivial relapse.
I couldn’t walk to the nearest exist thus discharging me would be a form of assault which Dr. Fayad eventually realized. I had to explain that I couldn’t walk despite his attempt at a medical falsification to uphold clinical fraud so it would be unwise to discharge me.
Its apparent that Dr. Fayad was trying to uphold clinical fraud in his attempt at immediate attempt at discharge.
The relapse is predictable given the length of time from last IV Rituximab (8 months) and sequel to the last ER (small differences in arm strength recorded by Dr. Moneim become far greater rapidly due to severe relapse). Thus “evidence of somatisation” is negated. Dr. Fayad falsifies his examination relative to Dr. Moneim, which is not medically possible because the clinical condition is far worse. The clinicians have a delusional mentality with respect to the clinical condition; writing false reports doesn’t automatically make the condition disappear.
Its predictable relapse and predictable progression with the progression being congruent to location of lesions in former MRIs (mathematical). The ER/Ward doctors don’t appear to understand the mathematical nature of the relapse. |
The notes are disorganized and not in sequence from page number.
Well, duh, its common sense. Its unwise for a clinical to consult a medical professional that actively tried to harm the patient in previous clinical setting. The idea that Dr. Massey does so even with clear statements to not do so indicates intent in assault in a medical setting. |
There are a number of things that Dr. Robert does that indicates intent in assault in a medical setting:
He makes a number of statements counter to his recorded statements and the statements he makes indicate his direction and intent in medical negligence (upholding fraud while mis portraying the patients condition). His intent is demonstrated by his repeated refusal to look at any diagnostic report from any former medical institution.
Chat transcript
First time: Dr. Roberts Refuses to look at past clinical notes or data: Chat transcript Me: So this entire thing is the diagnostic folder. It has the reports from ophthalmology to visual evoked potentials to..... Everything. Roberts: Listening to is a slightly unusual, we see a lot of MS. Slightly unusual story. End transcript
Dr. Roberts does not look at the medical folder given to him.
Second time: Dr. Roberts refuses to look at clinical notes given to him: Chat transcript Me: I could also show you the clinical summaries of the other neurologists as well. Robert: Let me just stop you, I think its really important that I see you as you are. As I hope you can see I have listened to you very carefully and taken a really open mind. End transcript |
Continued: |
Continued: It indicates that that he does not want to look at clinical condition of the patient but is only working within an attempt to limit medical help by not acknowledging clinical history while clearly ignoring current presentation.
I recorded the conversation. I simply stated “asylum” from the US. Not sure where “government” would come from. Its asylum “for clinical malice in the US with the intent of physical harm/intellectual disfigurement” which equates to criminal felony in the US. There appears to be some stereotypical intent in the doctor's statement when making this statement. But Dr. Robert's entire conversation that explains asylum is given below for reference:
The second conversation happens before the first: First conversation: I explain the reason for asylum again to Dr. Roberts: Chat transcript Me: So from January to July that was the first six months. In July the second course of IV Rituximab was given. After the second course of IV Rituximab was given it became necessitated that due to the behaviour of the United States in not rescinding.... well trying to not admit to their clinical criminal medical negligence the only way of protecting me was to seek asylum in a foreign nation ad become under the UN regulated asylum laws. So that's why I came to the United Kingdom and applied for asylum. The framework of asylum protects people from immediate physical harm and immediate persecution from physical harm and.... it was determined to be the only way of doing it. So right now I am waiting on the immigration and asylum proceedings. End transcript
Second conversation: I explain the reason for asylum to Dr. Roberts the first time: Chat transcript Roberts: Hello, Mr. Jana Me: Yea Roberts: Hello, my name is Dr. Roberts im one of the neurologist doctors, the doctors on the ward have asked me to pop in and see if there is anything here I could add. Is that alright? Me: Huh, yes. I guess its my new situation. I came in on Saturday. Roberts: Hold on. What I need to do is ask you a few questions. Roberts: How old are you? Me: I am 34. Actually, am I 34? I’m 35.
Roberts: Are you right or left handed? Me: I am right handed. Roberts: Do you work? Me: I am currently waiting on asylum in the United Kingdom so I would not be allowed to work. Roberts: And what is your background? Me: Computer engineer. Roberts: Computer engineering, ok. Where are you originally from? Me: I am from the United States. Roberts: Whereabouts? Me: Massachusetts. Roberts: And that's your background in computers. Me: Yea, that's where..... Roberts: And what brings you to the UK then? Me: I explained it to the other physician here but..... I had to apply for asylum status in the United Kingdom because of 45 instances of criminal medical negligence in the United States an foreign nations directed by the United States with the object of physical and intellectual disfigurement by falsifying medical data. So they are basically perpetuating medical negligence through medical fraud. Roberts: Who is doing that? Me: Its generally stated the United States. Roberts: Oh, alright. Yea.
(I was stating that the clinical fraud and negligence originates from the Unites States. Immigration would have a better idea of where this case originates from). |
Continued: |
Transcript of chat (continued): Me: I came to the United Kingdom and I applied for asylum. The asylum proceeding is ongoing right now and obviously I have presented all the material but also its another situation here where we are not sure if..... The United States does not want to admit [or rather the clinicians don’t want to admit to the criminal negligence that happened in the Unites States] so they are directing some of the doctors here [by base logic] to falsify some of the medical diagnostics. In the first instance. Robert: You mean in the UK too? Me: In the United Kingdom. But despite that entire situation it is well know that I do have secondary progressive MS. The current situation is that 8 months ago I did get IV Rituximab after about 6 months in January or February I have developed these new symptoms. These new symptoms never happened in the clinical course of the entire condition. Its always been hemipelagic, effecting the left hemisphere of my body but more recently it's been the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere. I came in Saturday to explain that to the ER doctors here.
On Saturday it wasn’t as serious as I came in yesterday. Except yesterday afternoon I couldn’t physically walk. What happened is that I went out around 5 PM yesterday to drop off some mail [then realized that it was Easter, so the post is closed] and by the time that I had walked back I basically couldn’t feel my arms or my feet so I laid for a minute or two.
I tried standing up again and no feeling in my entire right hemisphere. I couldn’t pick up my arm, nothing. And then the effect perpetuated for hours on end thereafter [and still pereprptuated in the ward room]. So what I did half an hour after that effect started is that I called 111 and spoke with the GP. She looked at the case, she stated “we know your particular situation we know your clinical syndrome is progressing. She already knew from all other doctors notes.
And then she stated that we stated that we have to call the ambulance. So we called 999 and the ambulance personal had me speak with another GP. The GP also seconded that I do need an ambulance I couldn’t physically move from my room.
And then the ambulance took me here and then when I came into the ER, I think it was 45 minutes in they put me in the downstairs floor.
The ER doctor recognized that they couldn’t elicit any responses in the entire right hemisphere [but he doesn’t report it as such]. But despite that they referenced the note form Saturday, and then they stated, well ok that he stated we are not going to give the medication so they tried to discharge me at that point but then I had to demonstrate to them that I cant physically move to the door because there is no other place to go. Like, you know, there is no way for me because I cant move my limbs and then I had to clearly show that to them that I couldn’t physically move my limbs and, what is it, oh, they said, oh, at this point we understand that you probably do need the medications.....
End of transcript. |
Continued: |
I usually get the typical treatment of methylprednisolone or plasmapheresis with is not unconventional and typical for MS relapses. Dr. Roberts also reiterates that that is the typical treatment given for MS. There are many ER visit reports that I offered Dr. Roberts to look at and other doctors notes, which Dr. Roberts purposefully refuses to consult in our conversation; doesn’t appear to care but appeared to be more interested in discharging the patient. This is useful to demonstrate malice in a medical setting.
I explain that methylprednisolone was give 35 times before with no complication: Chat Transcript Me: It has never in the clinical history..... we have done methylprednisolone approximately 35 times in my particular clinical condition it has never once produced any physiologically negative complication. Every single..... Roberts: And if it were to happen, if it were to happen, im afraid how would..... I what..... would be the reason Me: Yea, its not a very effective case..... End transcript
Continued: |
I have well recorded absence seizures that present with interictal effects (spikes) or ictal seizures.
Dr. Robert's statements of give away is contrary to the presence of lesions in the cervical spinal column, video graphic data, and past clinical settings. In addition to the clinical reports from former diagnosticians. The examination is clearly falsified because it reports something that is better then what Dr. Moneim stated for reflexes on Saturday which is medically impossible considering clear external presentation. His overly enthusiastic and unrealistic medical falsification is give away to clinical fraud.
Though Dr. Robert's statements are fictitious relative to the recording of our conversation the condition has far more substantiation than I would ever need. In Dr. Robert's conversation, knowing that he was going to next falsify a medical report be pre-emptively tries to make a claim that “he is not a criminal” is a somewhat untactful way. He then consults with Dr. Massey who consulted with Dr. Trip to remove me from the clinical setting to discharge in gross clinical need. Thus qualifying the medical falsification and discharge as fraud and then assault by withholding medications. Dr. Robert orders a physical therapist to rehabilitate movement but Dr. Massey realizes that the physical therapist would recognize that I was unable to physically move my limbs. So Dr. Massey is aggressive to discharge the patient at the risk that it would accumulate additional data that would indicate criminal harm to the patient.
I was immediately discharged from the hospital when Dr. Massey learned of the clinical fraud in UCLH which may have been the objective in this clinical setting, to uphold the clinical fraud of the UCLH setting. |
Dr. Massey is a gastroenterologist specializing in “intestinal failure”. As stated in the recording below Dr. Massey clearly isnt medically qualified to dictate medical opinions with respect to topics in neurology. Which he himself stated in his recording:
His statements are absurd in the medical report.
He consults with Dr. Trip after being explicitly told to not consult with Dr. Trip, who a case of clinical fraud is directed against.
The clinical presentation in that particular setting is gross (hemiplegia of the right hemisphere) as a predictable progression of cervical and thoracic spine lesions. Thus mentioning anything with respect to psychiatry indicates unrealistic and delusional behaviour by Dr. Massey. Dr. Massey refuses to look at any medical reports that I present from other medical institutions. The reports that I do present to him he completely ignores and makes contrary statements in the report; thus indicating intent in assaulting the patient.
There was no consent between the patient and the clinician to transfer any medical records and is a breech of patient privacy laws. (misconduct by a clinician)
Dr. Massey was explicitly stated to not reference or communicate with Dr. Trip. It was Dr. Trip's fear in upholding clinical fraud that led to discharge by Dr. Massey.
This is Dr. Massey's breech in patient privacy laws.
I Explain the fraud of Dr. Trip and Dr. Catania: Chat transcript Me: What he did specifically is that he fraudulated or Dr. Catania he fraudulated an SEP report. So the SEP shows clear neurodegeneration over the left hemisphere of my physiology and then he basically fraudulated the clinical.... Massey: I’m not an expert in these, to me im afraid they are squiggly lines. I’m a gastroenterologist. End Transcript
Dr. Massey isn’t aware of the full extent of non-trivial clinical fraud in the US that would warrant asylum in the UK nor does he know the overall case. He is naive. Dr. Massey made this setting into a assault situation by withholding medical treatment. Assault by a clinician and another instance of clinical fraud.
That immigration number isn’t useful for anything, only those in immigration are allowed conversation with the home office and specifically to reference their own application. Dr. Massey is also an unintelligent clinician in writing this report, no intelligent person would state a immigration number in a clinical report and he doesn’t appear to understand discretion or that this instance of assault will be presented to immigration with surrounding evidence to show the intent and malice of Dr. Roberts and Dr. Massey. (Both physicians are making false claims in reports counter to the happenings of the ER/ward to uphold clinical fraud). They are creating criminal situations due to the desperation of the clinician that committed fraud and it strengths my case.
A caseworker would not consider any conversation with an clinician until I have presented my case to the caseworker and would only be allowed to be contacted if I was given explicit permission by the caseworker to be contacted. All things immigration are not open to public communication as a generality. The clinician doesn’t appear to understand the basics of immigration.
Dr. Massey appears to be to be pre-emptively aware of the initial GMC response and unaware that it was rereported to the GMC with additional data. And then after this event rereported with evidence of assault. |
I had the other physician remove the asylum card for me from the wallet.
I made a video recording of how the inability to move my right limbs presented. Its predictable according to the location of cervical cord lesions (video will be added later):
Under impression: There seem to be an intent by the clinician to specifically rule out “flare of MS” as if that was an objective goal of the ER appointment. (There is a consistency is demonstrating intent by the clinicians).
The presentation makes it clear that the patient has a gross presentation of a MS relapse according to the time frame of the last IV of Rituximab. (it would happen since it was more then 6 months ago) The physicians were aggressive in ignoring any former ER appointment notes, doctor's notes, doctors recommendations in ER where the medications were administered with a positive response, diagnostic reports, or consider any diagnostic. Appears to a delusion based on objective of the clinician. The clinician was recorded as simply denying any former clinical note with an attempt ignoring the clinical presentation.
Dr. Roberts ordered a physiotherapy but I believe Dr. Massey was aggressive for discharge because the physiotherapist would have determined that I have limited physical movement due to a MS relapse. Accumulating evidence of clinical malice. |
Continued: |
Explains clinical history to Massey: Chat transcript Massey: It's the what treatment you have had and the fact that you have had Rituximab. How many infusions did you have Me: I had three infusions. So the first two were given in January of 2019. They were given when it was recognized that I did have secondary progressive MS. Prior to having rituximab I was in ER to get plasmapheresis and prior to that I was taking Tecfidera for almost a year. The clinical efficacy of Tecfidera became progressively less effective so I..... The doctor stated Rituximab would be the next best option because we know that it atleast works in secondary progressive forms of MS. And since taking Rituximab it did produce a clinical improvement but that doesn’t mean that it didn’t get worse as well. After 7 months it created this situation where now I don’t have the capability of feel an entire hemisphere. And that's my current situation. End Transcript
Reads Medical Note Due to Dr. Massey's refusal to read Medical data: Chat transcript Me (reading the medical note from the doctor): Ok so, is now developing into secondary progressive course as could be expected in a progressive neurological condition. Massey: Your being discharged, so im going to give you this letter Me: So there is an urgent need for medications for MS, Mr. Narendra Jana is currently taking medications for it. Massey: This is saying that [you are being discharged]..... I will let you read this over lunch. End Transcript ![]()
Dr. Massey perpetuates misconduct in three way:
When repeatedly warned to not speak to Dr. Trip due to his clinical fraud he does so anyway, as stated in his report. He specifically cites Dr. Trip to discharge me the hospital.
Does not understand discretion in writing medical notes, he mentions immigration contact information in a medical report. Does not realize that its inappropriate.
Does not have the medical background to understand medical data but professes to state that the condition is “fictitious” when refusing to look at medical data and lacking the capability to review it.
Steroids were administered at home 24 hours after returning home when there was no improvement in MS relapse symptoms in the first 24 hours.
I didn’t bathe that night or the next morning. So the statement “patient is able to bathe himself” is inaccurate. Its clear in the video that I didn’t bathe that night. I didn’t have the capability to bathe.
But to walk to the restroom to use the toilet I needed assistance as stated in the first statement in intervention.
I wandered around the ward to take a number of videos of my clinical presentation for future reference. |
This appears to be the intake note from the ambulance (20:36 PM on the 13th). I was unable to move my right limbs with required a ambulance to be sent. |
The lab tests appear to be fabricated.
I have repeatedly acknowledge gilberts syndrome so total bilirubin should be higher. Indeed no blood test in the past has shown reduced bilirubin. So the blood test results are likely falsified.
The RBC count may be falsified, I do take an iron chelator that should reduce red blood cell count (its mentioned under medications in the report). |
I couldn’t move my right hemisphere so I needed assistance to use the restroom. |
Inability to move my right limbs due to MS relapse. |
Patient has a dementia secondary to multiple sclerosis.
Patient has optic neuropathy. |
Requires a walking aid, as the nurse stated.
Not clinically fit to discharge, as explained above.
Does not have immediate support in the UK. |
Im a non drinker as recorded and stated to all clinicians in the hospital. And as stated in their personal reports as well.
No screening or questionnaire was given in the hospital, appears to be an arbitrary addition. Page 34 (Social History by intake doctor Dr. Ali Fayad): “Social
It wouldn’t cause hemiplegia secondary to cervical lesions either.
He was in the hospital 2 days ago and in December 2019 for a hand fracture. |
Correct, there was reduced mobility for weeks intermittently when methylprednisolone was applied at home to reacclimate. There are still lagging and easy to measure effects.
The Venous Thromboembolism risk is low. |
Dr. Pippa Leighton was never seen by me. |
The discharge summary was written by a clinician that was never seen me, Dr. Pippa Leighton (no clue who this is). Much of the report is falsified with clinical and recorded evidence to substantiate the falsified nature of the report.
There is a repeated situation of though the patient is in gross need of medications a complete refusal to read any clinical report that specifically mentions the needs for medications, the underlying clinical condition or the diagnostic tests. The report is a very clear example of clinical fraud while trying to withhold medications. Thus qualifying this clinical denial as a assault by legal definition. |