Narendra Jana



*For the refugee travel document (letter to designate need for medical care):

Application enquiry - Urgent compassionate case, Narendra Jana

Home Office Reference #: 1212-0001-0711-7572

Application ASC #: ASC/5271126

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*For describing situation to immigration crimes and refugee travel document office:

It should be noted that one of the doctors that perpetuated the clinical assualt on April 13th to 14th 2020, Dr. Dunecan Massey (or the others), may attempt to contact immigration (which he explicitly stated that he might in his medical report mentioning the number of immigration:)

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in an attempt to use use falsified medical reports in Addenbrooks hospital, which are shown as falified in the link below with evidence:

to try and misportray the clinical assault that took place in Addenbrooke's. If he does contact immigration please make sure that the evidence of him contacing immigration is recorded and note that he is doing this intentionally to perpetuate harm to his patient.

By Addenbrooke's on April 13th 2020 its aldready been show in several hospital settings that there is a refusal to look my clinical state preceded by several instances of clinical fraud in the UK. But in this setting on April 13th 2020 and with no preemption or background to my case and no mention to the hospital in any setting Dr. Ali Fayad cites immigration status (asylum) as the reason to withhold medical treatment in the clinical setting. Dr. Fayad appears to know the basis of my asylum.

1. Events in the UK that demonstrate breaking asylum laws in perpertuating harm to a person seeking asylum (Narendra Jana):

The full police report and report given to both the PHOS Ombudsman and the General Medical Counsole are given below after clinical fraud and clinical assualt in Addenbrookes Hospital:

The full medical record from Addenbrookes to show the clinical fraud that had taken place in Addenbrookes:

2. Communications with police, the General Medical Counsole, and the PHSO Ombudsman that shows a general pattern of refusing investigation in malice in clinical settings to uphold clincial fraud:

Communication with Police:

Communication with General Medical Counsole:

Communication with PHSO Ombudsman:

3. List of criminal events in clinical settings that led to asylum in the UK and the reason why the clincal malice and clinical fraud is perpertuated in the UK:

List of Criminal Events to Harm an Asylee that Led to Asylum:

4. Original report sent to reporting an immigration crime: